A Record of Accomplishments
Promises Made, Promises Kept- Sheriff Gabe Morgan has spent his first two terms in Office reorganizing, updating, and modernizing the Newport News Sheriff's Office.
Although the list below is extensive, it's not all inclusive because Sheriff Gabe Morgan has accomplished many things during his first two terms in Office.
A Proven Visionary Leader - With Real Results:
Ushered legislation through the General Assembly to enable the City of Newport News to secure an exemption to the moratorium on jail expansion and construction
Spearheaded the jail annex expansion project from the final design stage through completion
Instrumental in changing the original concept of the jail annex from an all female facility to a rehabilitation facility with three classrooms and two multipurpose rooms
Collaborated with the City to create approximately 200 additional inmate bed spaces (annex and Public Safety Building phase III project)
Re-organized the inmate weekender program where weekenders pickup litter and other various tasks to help maintain a clean City to save taxpayers' dollars
Re-established Electronic Home Monitoring Program using state-of-the-art GPS technology
Initiated a study by the National Institute of Corrections (NIC) to assess the City of Newport News' Justice System to determine where improvements can be made within the system
Professional Staff Development
Established annual goals and objectives to assure continuous improvement
Implemented strict hiring standards (agility, polygraph, background and oral board)
Replaced worn service weapons for all sworn personnel
Purchased intermediate weapons (ASP and OC spray). Previously, deputies only had two options: strong arm or deadly force
Initiated and received certification as a satellite academy facility to instruct in-service and other national training courses/curriculum within the Sheriff's Office
In partnership with NIC, started an 18 month formal leadership development course for all supervisors
Established a computer laboratory and a training room with state-of-the-art equipment
Promotes additional leadership training for all upper-level supervisors by attending the University of Virginia National Criminal Justice Command College
Embodies empowerment- expertise and the specific knowledge should have the responsibility and authority for making decisions
Promotes professionalism, excellence and innovation at all levels
Stimulates individual growth and responsibilities
Improved Employee Compensation and Morale
Completed an in-depth job audit conducted by Evergreen Solutions, LLC.
Created numerous promotion opportunities to eliminate the existing “stovepipes” and to foster the development of a “bench” (the sharing of the knowledge base)
Created a competitive promotion selection process to ensure the best qualified are promoted
Established a disciplinary review board to ensure fair and equitable treatment
Converted from a monthly pay system to a bi-monthly pay system
Established a formal promotion ceremony that features prominent guest speakers like the Virginia Attorney General and the Virginia Secretary of Public Safety
Sought after and secured a fair Sheriff's Office pay scale consistent with other City public safety personnel
Established a continuous hiring process to maintain no more than a five percent vacancy rate
Established a chaplaincy program geared towards the well being of employees
Established an extra duty program that allows deputies the opportunity to increase their income by performing security at various approved locations
Reorganization of the Sheriff's Office
Realigned duties and priorities along functional lines
Fosters decision-making into the organization, giving greater latitude to supervisors
Strengthen the organization's capacity to move forward strategically
Created a Professional Standards Bureau
Encompassed diversity within the organizational structure - minorities and women
Empowers teamwork and collaboration across functional lines that is, elimination of "stovepipes"
Established positions for part-time court security deputies to address court security shortages
Established a K-9 section (Narcotics and Explosive) to address the flow of drugs in the jail and to expedite the return to the court docket after a bomb threat
Created a Public Information Office (PIO) enabling transparency, which builds public trust and credibility
Established an Annual Report to keep employees, City officials, and citizens informed
Cooperation with other Local, City, State, and Federal Agencies
Entered into an agreement with the Newport News Police Department transferring the responsibility for Temporary Detention Orders and Extraditions to the Sheriff’s Office ( This allows for the PD to remain within the City Limits… policing the city)
Established a Crisis Intervention Team that responds to a scene in an effort to bring resolution, other than jail, to a situation involving a mentally ill person
Conduct mock on-site accreditation assessments for other law-enforcement agencies
Conduct mandated DNA sampling for Juvenile Justice Services on convicted juveniles
Conduct Court Security Assessment for the Virginia Judicial Security Initiative Program by assessing courthouses within the Commonwealth
Applied for and received a Homeland Security Grant to purchase an additional X-Ray machine to enhance courthouse security
Renegotiated the contract for housing Federal prisoners with the US Marshals Service in conjunction with the new Federal Courthouse located in Newport News
Partnered with the Newport News Public Schools system to teach Class Action and Life Skills. Over 2,400 of our children have been taught this current school year
In partnership with the United Sates Army signed an agreement, Partnership for Youth Success, giving qualified soldiers leaving the army, priority consideration in the employment process
Continuous support and partnership with many local civic organizations such as, Weed and Seed, Field of Friends, SALT Council, TRIAD, Every 15 Minutes, Achievable Dreams, Hampton Roads Media Council, Dad's Walk, and Walk a Mile in Her Shoes just to name a few
Improved and Enhanced Correctional Programs to Reduce Recidivism
Enhanced Hispanic Programs
Increased drug rehabilitation classes
Initiated a work-release program
Created additional educational and vocational training skills (Alcoholic Anonymous, Anger Management, Money Management, HIV/AIDS Counseling, One-on-One Counseling, Faith Based Movies, Life Skills, English as a Second language, basic computer, sewing, and brick masonry)
Partnered with the Newport News Public Schools to enhance our GED program which produced dramatic improvements in the number of inmates obtaining their GED while incarcerated
Professionalism through Accreditation
In 2009 underwent a three year Department of Corrections' audit and met 113 standards out of a possible 113 (100%)
Initiated and received Virginia Law Enforcement Professional Standards Commission (VLEPSC) accreditation
In 2006 underwent a three year Department of Corrections' audit and met 113 standards out of a possible 113 (100%)
Adoption of quality policies and procedures that comply with professional standards
Created a greater public confidence in the Sheriff's Office
Diminished vulnerability to civil law suits and costly settlements
Jail Facility Environmental Health and Safety Improvements
Completed a risk assessment by conducting a full scale evacuation drill using 200 sailors as inmates
Renovated all inmate showers by striping all the paint and applying epoxy resin. This was also done in the kitchen facility
Painted the jail to address health and welfare issues
Identified life safety issues within the jail facility- City capital improvements phase I and phase II
Started a life cycle replacement program to replace aging hand-held radios
Procured an emergency evacuation chair to assist in the evacuation of disabled inmates down stairwells
Procured Ultraviolet Germicidal Purification Systems for the destruction of Micro-bacterium Tuberculosis and most other airborne diseases, viruses, bacteria and mold
Instrumental in the replacement of the old camera system to a thermal imaging camera system. During an emergency, this allows persons to be visible in a smoke filled room or hallways
Initiated a sex offender’s watch portal on our web site
Expanded the speakers' bureau to better serve community organizations
Enhanced our youth mentoring efforts